Craft & Vision

Connecticut photographer, New Haven custom photography

For those of you who might be interested in learning more about photography, I’ll occasionally post learning resources that I’ve used that I think could be worth your time.  I recently stumbled upon the Canadian website Craft and Vision, begun by photographer David duChemin, and the site is really worth checking out.  In addition to beautiful print books on a variety of subjects (lots of gorgeous exotic landscapes here!), they have a variety of ebooks for $5.  If you want to see if you like the style or just want a nice intro on some basic photography concepts and exercises to help you grow, duChemin offers a completely FREE ebook–Ten: Ten ways to improve your craft without buying gear.  It includes beautiful images for inspiration and creativity exercises to get you going.  Enjoy! 🙂

TEN - Ten Ways to Improve Your Craft Without Buying Gear

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